“The quality of a wine is due to the complexity of its flavor profile and today, in the face of climate change that focus on the rise of alcohol and on decrease of acidity, which impacts on the freshness and aging potential, you need to find new paradigms of winemaking that preserve the aromas”. So intervenes Darriet Philippe, director of the Unit of Research in Oenology Institute of Vine and Wine University of Bordeaux, in the Congress of Assoenologi staged these days in Verona, Italy.
The sensory perception of a wine depends on volatile components that stimulate our sense of smell: the complex of wine aromas in turn depends on several factors, such as the grape variety, terroir, the climate changing, and the choices both wine both winemaking. Grape quality and degree of ripeness are decisive as much as the wine cellar wine-making technique, which not only make a significant contribution can make a real difference in the final perception of taste.
“The quality of a wine starts from the impact of olfactory – continued Darriet – which has to be sharp and complex. The complexity allows the wine to not become “boring” in aging and to maintain its own identity”. Not to be underestimated is that those who taste the wines should be able to recognize and reward excellence. Cognitive psychology tests have compared the expert’s tasting notes, pointing out that some do not describe wines, but relate them to wines that are in your “personal mental library” tasting …
Therefore, there are many aspects that affect the quality, the curing conditions of the grapes, methods of vinification and aging of the wine, until the correct sensory perception.